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Writer's picture: Jenny Robson - CommunicationsJenny Robson - Communications

Welcome to a new

Concord Garden Club year!


let's start the new Garden Club season together at our 2023-24 season kick-off party --

a Social on September 14th

This event is for Garden Club members and potential new members only. RSVP here!


At the bottom of this newsletter you will find the entire line-up of interesting and varied activities your program committee has planned for the coming year --

please take the time to review them and sign up to attend


Thank-you from the Woman's Club of Concord

Dear Leadership of the Concord Garden Club,

Another grateful thank you, this time with photos from the Woman's Club of Concord. If you drive past, you will see the lovely landscaping that you have so generously gifted in your spirit of community service initiative.

We have needed roof work done this week thanks to grants we have received. Please share this gratitude with your Club.

Thanks to generous groups like yours, this grand property will continue to grace our downtown for years to come.

Kind regards,

Barbara Ruedig

Board Member WCC

New plantings at the Woman's Club of Concord, thanks to a Concord Garden Club gift.


Garden Tour Re-Cap

Our In Full Bloom Garden Tour on June 24th was well attended despite iffy weather, with over 80 people touring the lovely gardens on display.

The organizers would like to thank the following volunteers for their support:

Linda Baines Millie Lafontaine

Jess Barrett Ruth Perencevich

Robyn Cotton Lauren Savage

Sarah Crow Ellen Schreiner

Pat Dahme Molly Swanson

Nicki Kilfara Carolyn Tolles

Gayle Kimball Diana Wiita

Jeanie West


Notes to all members:

Treasurer Gretchen Coughlin asks that you please check your bank statements and let her know if you have written a check to the club that has not cleared. You can email her at Thank you!


In preparation for the Holiday Arrangement workshop they'll lead for us in November, Barbara Jobin and Robyn Cotton request that all members take the time throughout the next few months to collect items from your backyards or the woods that can be used in your arrangements. Anything can work - twigs, branches, seed pods, dried flowers - the aim being arrangements that might not be typical, but are environmentally thoughtful, sustainable, unique and still beautiful!


100 years and growing strong!

In case you haven't heard...... 2024 marks the Concord Garden Club's 100th anniversary, and a committee has formed to plan and implement celebrations and activities throughout the year. Please contact Lauren Savage ( to be a part of the planning, particularly if you are interested in helping with market and promotion - many hands make light work!

The committee meets next at Lauren's house on October 3rd at 10am



Your Program Committee has an exciting and varied set of activities for the coming year -- VERY IMPORTANT: please click through to our website's Member's Only page to learn full details, and to RSVP.

AND -- Don't forget to put them in your calendar!

Fall Social - Thursday, September 14, 5-7pm

Join us for a special fall gathering at Sylvia Larsen's home.

Last names starting with A-M please bring wine, and N-Z please bring an appetizer.

Autumn Hike - Thursday, October 12, 1pm

Join us for a beautiful walk and guided tour of the Audubon trail.

Bring your lunch and we can picnic together beforehand.

Holiday Arrangements - Wednesday, November 15th, 4pm

Get Inspired for new ideas this holiday season! Barbara and Robyn as they create beautiful holiday decorations for the season. We will raffle off their creations to those interested.

Holiday Luncheon - Friday, December 1, 12pm

Start the season with your garden club friends!

Our Holiday Luncheon begins at noon followed by a Yankee Swap $15.00 gift that is garden themed. Cost $25. Please register by Nov 26th.

21st Annual Art & Bloom - Thursday, January 25

Join us for the Concord Garden Club's signature winter event!

The event spans three days and is free and open to the public.

SCHEDULE: Thurs, Jan 25th 1-5:30pm | Fri, Jan 26th 10-4pm | Sat, Jan 27th 10-4pm.

No RSVP necessary!

Presenter - John Harris of the NH Humanities Council - Thursday, March 14th 1pm

Returning North with the Spring: Retracing the Journey of Naturalist Edwin Way Teale

In 1947, Edwin Teale, followed the progress of spring over four months from the Everglades to the summit of Mount Washington. His best selling book, North with the Spring, recounts the epic journey he and his wife, Nellie undertook. John Harris set out to retrace Teale’s route, stopping at unfamiliar wild places on the same calendar date on which Teale visited. Using Teale’s journal notes and photographs, Harris examined and compared changes in the flora, fauna, and lives of the people along the way. His account documents the losses, details the transformation, and celebrates the victories, for a remarkable number of east coast refuges have grown wilder during the intervening years.

Presenter - Dr. Doug Tallamy - evening of Thursday, April 18th

Save the date, more information to follow

Douglas Tallamy is a passionate entomologist, ecologist and conservationist, and a terrific speaker. He is a professor in the Department of Entomology and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Delaware and has written and co-authored several books, including, most recently, Nature's Best Hope. Tallamy is one of the founders of the Homegrown National Park initiative, and he advocates for home gardens and landscaping that bridge the gaps between parks and preserves in providing habitat for native species.

Sanborn Mills Farm tour - Thursday, May 16th 10am

Sanborn Mills Farm's mission is to teach traditional crafts and farming methods while sustainably using its field and forest resources for its workshops and events.

The Farm is a center for the renewal of the human spirit, a place to cultivate creativity and joy, and an anchor for our individual, collective, and shared experiences. SMF expands its traditional farming practices, including draft animal power, growing fruits, vegetables, animals, grains, trees, ornamental gardens, fiber, and other materials for use in making things. Remaining rooted in regenerative practices, our products are used in our community. SMF teaches traditional crafts, farming with draft animals, animal husbandry and the skills needed to repair, maintain and run water-powered mills. The Farm's ethos is guided by a desire to achieve perfection through what can be accomplished by working with one’s hands.

This tour will be rescheduled if inclement weather on the 16th.

Members only, No guests.

Annual Meeting and Comedy Show - Thursday, June 6 11:30am - 2pm

Join us to end the year with a short meeting, lunch, and a wonderful comedy show.

Members Only. No Guests.


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